Services |
Margaret works with change leaders in society’s core institutions to create healthy organizations aligned with mission and values. To achieve this goal, she offers the following services:
Professional Speaking: Margaret is an entertaining and thought-provoking professional speaker, using humor, stories and audience participation to engage people to “take on” the issues that face institutions in transition. What her audiences say—“You’ve inspired me” and “You made me think.”
Facilitation: Margaret is a master facilitator, working with small groups and large crowds to achieve stated objectives and improve cross-functional communication and commitment. Leaders who have used Margaret to facilitate meetings report increased engagement, accountability and clarity about organizational goals. And those fortunate enough to be in learning sessions that Margaret facilitates appreciate her humor, wisdom and ability to create an environment that fosters “aha” moments.
Coaching: Margaret has more than 15 years of experience as a coach. She coaches change leaders and executives in how to overcome resistance to change within their organizations and to build buy-in with key constituencies. She has also coached first line and middle managers, preparing them for leadership roles by strengthening their emotional intelligence and strategic thinking skills.
Process Design: Margaret believes in listening to her clients, using a needs assessment process that helps clients clearly define their objectives and uncover unstated assumptions. She uses the data from the needs assessment to design custom processes that fit the culture of the organization and align work flow with organizational purpose. She also works with clients in the implementation of new processes to mitigate “unintended consequences” as they arise.
Program Design: Whether the client needs a program to launch a new product line or to train new leaders, Margaret will design a “brain-friendly” program that exceeds expectations. She has authored hundreds of hours of learning activities that support organizational change efforts and leadership effectiveness. Assessments: Margaret is certified in The Leadership Circle, a state-of-the-art 360 assessment that accelerates leadership excellence. She is also certified to administer and debrief the EQ-i 2.0 360 tool created by Bar-On that assesses emotional intelligence. Margaret also uses the Myers-Briggs and DISC assessments to support individual growth, emotional intelligence development, leadership development, team communication and organizational effectiveness. She has completed advanced workshops led by Dr. John Beebe, a Jungian analyst with specialized expertise in personality and typology. Tools: Margaret has put together a toolkit of useful tools designed to support organizational change efforts. These include the most effective tools utilized by organizational development practitioners (RASCI, Force-Field Analysis, SWOT and Johari Window), but also some ground-breaking tools that she herself designed (Four Windows, Drains & Gains and Circles of Success). |